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import Invokable from './Invokable';
import Fence from './Fence';

 * A `FenceBuilder` is used to create an extensible `Fence`.
 * An instance of `FenceBuilder` will have prototype methods that are created
 * through the `register()` method. When the `fork()` method is called all of the
 * instance's already registered methods will be transferred to a new instance of
 * `FenceBuilder` that is then returned. This is what allows you to 'extend'
 * a `Fence` as you can then continue to `register()` methods without mutating
 * the original `FenceBuilder`'s prototype.
 * These prototypical methods are called `Invokable`'s. An `Invokable` is a named
 * function reference that optionally includes some predefined arguments that can
 * be used to make specific comparisons. *
class FenceBuilder {
     * @param    {Array}    invokables    A set of already defined `Invokable`'s
    constructor(invokables) {
        if (typeof invokables !== 'undefined' && !Array.isArray(invokables)) {
            throw 'FenceBuilder constructor argument can only be an Array';

        this._invokables = invokables ? invokables.slice() : [];

     * Create a clone of a `FenceBuilder` instance so that it can be extended.
     * @return    {FenceBuilder}    a reference to a new `FenceBuilder`
    fork(proto) {
        // Stop any other references to this `FenceBuilder` from registering
        // additional methods (or overwriting currently existing ones)
        proto = proto || Object.getPrototypeOf(this);

        // Create a reference to this instance's `_invokables`, use them to seed the
        // new instance's `_invokables`
        const invokables = this._invokables;

        // Create a new `FenceBuilder` that inherits from this `FenceBuilder`
        const FB = function() {
            FenceBuilder.call(this, invokables);

        // Set the prototype so that registered functions are available
        FB.prototype = Object.create(proto);
        FB.prototype.constructor = FB;

        // Instantiate the new `FenceBuilder`
        return new FB();

     * Add a named function reference to the prototype of an instance of `FenceBuilder`
     * @param     {String}              name    A named function reference
     * @param     {Function}            fn      A reference to a validation function
     * @return    {FenceBuilder}           The `FenceBuilder` instance being
     *                                          operated on, used for function chaining
    register(fn, name, memoize, debug, loggers) {
        const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
        proto[name] = function(...args) {
            this._invokables.push(new Invokable(fn, name, args, memoize, debug, loggers));

            return this;

        return this.fork(proto);

     * Remove a named function reference from the prototype of an instance of `FenceBuilder`
     * @param     {String}              name    A named function reference
     * @return    {FenceBuilder}           The `FenceBuilder` instance being
     *                                          operated on, used for function chaining
    unregister(name) {
        const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
        delete proto[name];

        const tmp = this.fork(proto);
        tmp._invokables = this._invokables.filter(function(invokable) {
            return invokable.getName() !== name;

        return tmp;

     * Convert an instance of `FenceBuilder` to something that can be used to
     * validate some value
     * @return    {Fence}      an Object with a `run()` method that can be called
     *                              with a value, will produce a list of `Results`
    build() {
        return new Fence(this._invokables);

     * Create a representation of an instance of `FenceBuilder`'s Invokable
     * function reference names and arguments that can be persisted then later used
     * by `hydrate()` recreate an equivalent `FenceBuilder`
     * @return    {String}      a stringified JSON blob that can be persisted
    serialize(returnFull) {
        return JSON.stringify(
            this._invokables.map(function(invokable) {
                return invokable.serialize(returnFull);

     * Given a string representing a `serialize`'d `FenceBuilder`, attempt to
     * recreate a list of `Invokables` by calling the named prototype references. If
     * the `serialize`'d `FenceBuilder` includes a reference to an unavailable
     * prototype method, an error is thrown.
     * @param     {String}    invokables    A `stringify`'d JSON blob representing a
     *                                      `FenceBuilder`'s `Invokeable`'s
     * @return    {FenceBuilder}
    hydrate(invokables) {
        const tmp = this.fork();
        tmp._invokables = [];

            .forEach(function(invokable) {
                const name = invokable._name;
                const args = invokable._args;
                const fn = Object.getPrototypeOf(tmp)[name];

                if (fn) {
                    fn.apply(tmp, args);
                } else {
                    throw new Error(`Method ${name} missing during validation builder hydration`);

        return tmp;

export default FenceBuilder;